System Solutions
We offer powerful, cost-effective and efficient propulsion and manoeuvring systems for the widest range of vessels.
Functional market segmentation helps us to target the exact needs of our customers: inland shipping, river and coastal shipping, ferries, yachts, harbour and sea-going tugs, ocean-going vessels, offshore systems, and military applications. Each area has different requirements, for which our engineers and technicians develop the appropriate solutions.
SRP Rudderpropeller
Maximum manoeuvrability and optimum efficiency are outstanding features of the SCHOTTEL Rudderpropeller (SRP). By rotating the underwater part through 360°, the full propulsive power can be used for manoeuvring the ship. With power ratings up to 6000 kW the mechanical Rudderpropeller is the superior propulsion system. |
STP Twin-Propeller
Two propellers are mounted on a common shaft and rotate in the same direction. The STP is thus the successful optimization of the complete Rudderpropeller system, with significantly increased efficiency, and is the ideal propulsion unit for all ships in the medium speed range with application- related higher propeller loads. |
SCD Combi Drive
The SCHOTTEL Combi Drive (SCD) is an electric drive. The electric motor is integrated vertically into the support tube of the Rudder propeller. The SCD combines the advantages of a powerful drive with a slimline, maintenancefriendly, hydrodynamically optimized design. It covers the power spectrum from 2000 to 3800 kW |
SPJ Pump-Jet
A SCHOTTEL Pump-Jet (SPJ) is entirely enclosed by the vessel’s hull. This drive concept, specially developed for use in shallow water, is being increasingly employed also as a robust, powerful and reliable manoeuvring system in a wide range of different ships and watercraft. |
SCP CP-Propeller
SCHOTTEL Controllable-Pitch Propellers (SCP) are propulsion systems which can be used in nearly all vessel types. The power spectrum ranges from 600 kW to 30,000 kW, with propeller diameters varying between approximately 1.5 and 8.0 m. |
STT Transverse Thruster
With SCHOTTEL Transverse Thrusters (STT), we offer reliable manoeuvring aids for all types of vessel. Available with either fixed or controllable-pitch propellers, they are indispensable for secure harbour manoeuvring or positioning tasks. |